The author submits the manuscript in digital and printed versions.
In order to be processed by our production team, all files should be editable, prepared in an appropriate Word processing package and saved as .doc, .docx, .rtf. The file must be named with the author's surname, at that authors should use Latin characters (e.g. Butko.doc; Butko.rtf).
Both printed and digital versions must be identical. The manuscript must be thoroughly edited, proofread, and signed by the author. All mistakes in the submitted materials are the author's responsibility.
Manuscript format. The manuscript must contain minimum 10 000 characters (0.25 of author's sheet according to MESU requirements, including figures and tables) and maximum 40 000 characters (one author's sheet). The text must have 1.5 vertical spacing, Times New Roman style, 14pt, standard margins.
Main document formatting rules:
- Text justification;
- Hyphen cannot be used instead of dash and vice versa;
- Pages should have no numbers;
- Usage of Tab or space mark is not accepted for making paragraphs; paragraph indention is 1 cm;
- Text highlighting is accepted with semi-bold or italic type; underlining is not accepted;
Bibliographic references should be given in square brackets; at that the first number is a source number in list of references while the second number is a page number. A source number and page number are divided with a two-spot. To point to a range of pages authors should use a dash with no intervals on both sides (f. ex. 5-7). Page numbers which correspond to one source are divided with a semi-colon. Example: [4:25], [4:25–27], [4:25; 7:32–33; 12:16, 25], [4; 7; 12].
Graphic materials. The manuscript may contain graphic materials, namely figures, tables, etc. Please do not embed figures in the manuscript file as they must be saved separate to text. All non-text objects must be created in Microsoft Word (Microsoft Excel Chart, Microsoft Equation). Images within the manuscript must be prepared in an appropriate graphic package and saved as .jpg, .tif, .cdr. Images can be either black-and-white or coloured. Tables must have a name and be numbered. All figures and diagrams must have names and numbers. Do not embed any figures or diagrams in the file with the text.
Obligatory structure elements:
- UDC. Type it on the left in ordinary font;
- Author's surname and initials. Type it on the left in ordinary font;
- Name of organisation where the author works. Type it on the left in ordinary font;
- Title of the manuscript. Type it on the left in ordinary font. Capital the beginning of the first word only;
- Abstract and keywords. Abstract in the Ukrainian and Russian languages may contain 900 characters each, in the English language it may contain 5000 characters. After each abstract provide 5-6 keywords in the appropriate language. Type the text of the abstract in ordinary font, single row. Provide the author's surname and initials, as well as the title of the manuscript before each abstract in the Ukrainian, Russian, and English languages accordingly.
Please do not embed abstract in English in the main text file as it must be saved separately to text. Both the abstract and peer review must have a stamp of the organisation where the author works; it can also be a stamp of the company which translated the document. Abstracts in English should reflect the main idea of the article and research results. Volume of abstracts should be 5000 characters without blanks.
Abstract sample in English (it is possible to avoid pointing to structure element names):
Background. In recent years there has been an increasing interest in...
Objectives. The objectives of this study are to determine/to prove...
Methods. So far this method has been applied to...
Results. The results of the research support the idea that...
Conclusions. The present results are significant in... / We conclude...
Manuscript content. Certain structure elements typed in bold font must be given in the manuscript in accordance with the Ordinance #7-05/1 dated 15.01.2003. They are:
- problem statement in general and its connection to important scientific/practical tasks;
- analysis of recent research and publications where this problem has been first addressed;
- objectives of the manuscript (task setting);
- research core material with complete grounds for the results of research;
- conclusions and further research prospects in this area.
References. The title References will be written in TNR, normal font. Arrange the references alphabetically as it is given in #3 Bulletin of State Commission for degrees and titles of Ukraine, 2008. Give complete information on each reference cited. Avoid references to textbooks or popular-science literature. Authors may cite their own publications only when it is unavoidable. If there is a reference to a researcher's surname in the literature review or further in the text, give their publication's name in References after the paper. Secondary citing is forbidden. Transcribed References list follows the common References.